Monday, 18 January 2010

Relationship Troubles.

Things are getting pretty heated in our household at the moment. My dear wife, the love of my life (or is she?), is becoming increasing interested in my Internet and email usage. Perhaps this is a regular issue of discussion in households up and down the country, but when you think that you are a mind washed government Agent, it takes a whole new shape. Shelley is beginning to become concerned by my obsession with email (although it is actually the case files that steal my attention) and is demanding that I spend more time with her instead of the computer. In fact I'm only managing to write this now as we've just had a blazing argument which concluded in her storming out of the house. The quest to discover my true identity is becoming more perilous by the day.
Her behaviour and the apparent realism of the files are steadily beginning to convince me that I am actually Agent Sure, although still nothing has jogged my memory like the name Agent Falcon did. A feW of the dates in the timeline I featured rung distant bells, but that could just have been coincidence, and maybe a couple of names struck a chord but without further detail, I couldn't really be sure? I think subconsciously, I just want to recognize everything I read as I cannot accept that there is no truth in this hefty document I have received. I guess only time will tell?
In amongst the various case files are some other ASSPIL information sheets, such as the time line I opted to publish last blog. As well as publishing the case files I am inclined to include a few of the sheets, I guess the public deserve to know the truth, not just about incidences, but also about The Agency.

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